Friday, May 13, 2016


Only when the last tree has been cut down; only after the last river has been poisoned; only after the last fish has been caught we will realise we cannot eat money.
- Cree Indian Prophecy

Human chain in front of fig trees to protect its felling. image by Randall Wood

I was absolutely gutted to know that the local government is going to cut down the old fig trees on Anzac Parade to make way for light rail. I started reading articles on the internet on how people are protesting this gruesome act of the government. Rightly so, these trees have been in some way a commemoration to the ANZACs. More importantly,  they are the lungs of eastern suburbs. Imagine this....

Young trees absorb CO2 at a rate of 13 pounds per tree each year. Trees reach their most productive stage of carbon storage at about 10 years at which point they are estimated to absorb 48 pounds of CO2 per year. At that rate, they release enough oxygen back into the atmosphere to support two human beings. 

What could a tree worth 100 years old do? Most of the the fig trees are 100 years plus. They absorb all the CO2 produced by combustion engines of the cars. Personally, I feel they form one of the best boulevards which knowingly or unknowingly form a boundary between vehicular movement and all the sporting activities that happen beyond the trees. 

The government is aiming to offset the cut down of trees. Offsetting trees that old is going to be a herculean task. But I want to look at this issue from a different perspective. There are two  points to ponder upon. The introduction of light rail...

A. may reduce in usage of private cars and the decline of public transport buses by moving large number of people.
B. might run on renewable source of energy. 

Both are indicators of environment friendly process. Being a realist, I don think the number of cars on the road is ever going to decline. Undoubtedly, all the effort put in by the government in rolling out light rail and planting new trees in place of old ones cannot do much to offset the existing scenario. I want to propose a preposterous idea which may be beneficial.   An elevated light rail in the middle of the road. This means no cutting down of trees. Planting of more trees along Anzac. The roads will be all clear for private vehicular access. It may cost more money but may be a rewarding concept at the end of the day. 

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